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» Profits – Business Management

- Accounts Receivable
- Accounts Payables
- General Ledger
- Inventory Management
- Order Processing
- Payroll
- Purchase Orders
- Sales Analysis Reporting

- Shipping Manager
- Warehouse Control
- Work In Process
- Incentive Payroll
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Profits – Business Management Software
Modules : Warehouse Control

Having the right warehouse control software is paramount, because it saves you time and money. How? If your company is continually dealing with an abundance of wrong orders being sent, it costs you in products, shipping and man-hours. The bottom line is this – your warehouse control software can make or break your business.


Thanks to Profits warehouse control features, you can print picking tickets that interface with your scanning station. That way you can ensure that what’s on the customer order is what goes out – no more, no less and exactly the item they’ve purchased. In addition, if an item from the print ticket isn’t available it can easily register it as ‘backordered,’ so your operations aren’t delayed. If you need warehouse control software or simply want a more dependable one, contact us today to discuss Profits warehouse control features.


Warehouse Control provides the following:


Eliminate Duplicate Orders

Verify Correct Items Are Shipped

Prevent Over-Shipping or Under-Shipping of Product

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